Saturday, July 9, 2016


This week in my Family Relations class we discussed parenting. I enjoyed the lectures and class discussions because I felt I understood what we were learning. We discussed natural and logical consequences and how to keep balance in the home. We also discussed how our children need to be nurtured and cared for.  During the lecture, I kept coming back to the readings from this class. The spirit is the most important tool we can have as parents. We aren't going to be perfect parents, but if we can keep that constant companionship with the Spirit we can certainly be better.  The Lord knows our children better than we do and knows their needs.

When it comes to raising children that have strong faith its their personal relationship and habits that matter most. I think its so important to start a habit of family prayer and scripture study. It can help our children develop that habit, especially if we take the time to sit and pray and read with them when they are young.  Teaching with the spirit is so important because Heavenly Father knows our children much better than we do. He knows exactly what they need from us. For example, some things are harder to teach (like sexual intimacy or pornography). So it's easy to put that off until the get older, when they may desperately need that lesson now.  Heavenly Father will always help us do what's best for our children when we ask and when are willing to listen to the spirit.