Saturday, April 30, 2016

This week I learned why what other families choose to do in their own homes affects me and my family. We hear too much these days the phrases, "Why do you care?", "It doesn't affect you.", "It won't bother you so why does it matter?".  These phrases are simply not true. This week I watched a couple videos (link below) that taught me a TON about fertility rates and why it matters how many kids we have and when we have them. The scholars and experts in this video talk a lot about population growth and decline and the myths associated.  I would the majority of the people believe that the worlds population will keep growing. This is true as long as the world keeps above a replacement fertility rate. This is about 2.33 (children per woman). Today most of the world is only at sub-replacement fertility rates. This means that (if sustained) we will see population decreases. So most of you are probably thinking that this is no big deal, it doesn't matter, right? No. It does matter. Many predicted that by the 1970's we would see overpopulation and starvation. Today the food supply and our population has both increased. How? Because we have more people working, more innovation, technology which helps us produce more food. If our fertility rates continue the way they are now (declining) we will reach 9.6 billion by about 2050. But that will be the peak. It will then level off and begin to decline because we aren't at replacement level fertility rates. In other words, we aren't having enough children to replace ourselves.

I have always felt strongly about having children despite other opinions of bringing kids into this "crappy world". I feel its our responsibility to have children and teach them correct principles. If we can provide a loving home for children, I believe it is our responsibility to do so. If we choose not to, odds are that child will not grow up in home like we could have given them. They may be born into a family where they will be surrounded by poverty, crime and wickedness.  According to The Family; A Proclamation to the World, the commandment given to Adam and Eve from God, to populate the earth, is still in effect. I believe this whole heartedly and hope that you will consider it too.

 "There are multitudes of pure and holy spirits waiting to take tabernacles, now what is our duty?—To prepare tabernacles for them; to take a course that will not tend to drive those spirits into the families of the wicked, where they will be trained in wickedness, debauchery, and every species of crime. It is the duty of every righteous man and woman to prepare tabernacles for all the spirits they can."
 - President Brigham Young

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