Friday, May 13, 2016

Faith and Science Go Together!

As I've began studying this semester, about families I've come to be grateful for research and scientific evidence.  I have come to realize that our faith does not have to stand alone.  Scientific research provides us with the tools we need to teach others.  If we went to someone who firmly supported gay marriage, for example, and all we had was that we believe that its wrong they will probably laugh at us.  Many don't know that this research is out there or where to find it.  We need to find it and use it to remind the world that families are everything! They are the foundation of our society. 

Faith is incredibly important and is valuable to our growth in the gospel and in life. I don't mean to down play that at all, but if we can take physical evidence and use it to defend our positions it will benefit us and the people we want to teach tremendously. 
Science is providing marvelous things to give ease and comfort to man in this modern world and is creating the highest standard of living ever known. Because we are provided with all our needs and the luxuries of life, can we turn from God, the teachings of religion, or the gospel of Jesus Christ? With the advance of knowledge has come a reliance upon scientific principles of proof, and as a consequence, there are some who do not believe in God because his existence cannot be substantiated by such proof. In reality, scientific research is an endeavor to ascertain truth, and the same principles which are applied to that pursuit are used in the quest to establish the truth of religion as well. -Howard W. Hunter, 14th President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

To look at some research of all different types of families and the effects those different families have on children click here:

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